Since the launch of the iGaming market in New Jersey, geolocation has also been touted as one of the primary issues plaguing the market. While geolocation has been has been used in other areas of iGaming such as online horse wagering and blocking players in unwanted countries (such as the US for European operators, outside Italy for Italian operators etc.) this is the first time geolocation has been employed on this granular of a level. Nevada and Delaware both launched with cellular network based geo-detection software, New Jersey, however, widened the spectrum by allowing operators to use an array of technologies including wi-fi detection.
Back in the first month of launch in New Jersey, geolocation became a big impediment. Over the following months, the geolocation software companies working alongside the operators worked hard to fix the many of the bigger issues. Now geolocation has much improved; however there is still a ways to go before making the issue seamless to the player. In a recent panel earlier this summer (Business Bulletin), Golden Nugget’s online head Thomas Winter announced that he believed that up to 25% of the players had some level of issues for installation and detection and the rating is fast declining. Now he believes that number is less than 10%.